

Our staff of trained and experienced in-house, Resolution Specialists, is ready, willing, and able, to assist consumers to create workable and successful solutions to get their financial status back on track. Our vision here at S.K. & Associates, is based on our core business values; integrity, teamwork, common sense, and a commitment to quality


Our staff balances the need to resolve our clients’ outstanding financial accounts with the consumers’ unique situation. Sometimes the appropriate resolution to a consumer’s situation is rather straightforward. Other times a resolution requires substantial creativity and ingenuity.

Maximum recovery is not always simply a decision as to whether a consumer should be sued in court or not. But when it comes to that important decision whether or not to sue a consumer, S.K. & Associates, has an entire department dedicated to determining which debts and consumers are “suit-worthy” or not, to further augment our client’s recoveries.

We at S.K. & Associates, have the experience, knowledge, and resources to understand the appropriate collection option, and we have the ability to create workable, real world solutions depending upon a consumer’s unique situation.